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ODABA database features

This chapter considers database features available without using the GUI framework and tools provided with the Object Development Environment (ODE).

ODABA provides many enhanced database features on one hand, and, on the other hand, tries to comply to standards as far as possible. Here, standard features and main extensions (differences to other database management systems) are listed.

The theoretical base for ODABA is Unified Database Theory, which defines abstract database model levels for different types of databases. ODABA combines the flexibility of key/value stores (P0) with the simplicity of relational databases (P1), the complexity of object-oriented databases (P2) and analytical features of data warehouse technologies (P3).

Physically, all database entries (instances and indexes) are referenced by a 32 byte entry descriptor, which contains version and schema version information, modification count and data base position. ODABA supports 64-bit identities (internal database entry number), which supports up to 9 223 372 036 854 775 808 database entries, which means for the moment practically: no limit.